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Water Matters conference: registration is open!


EurEau is very pleased to announce that registration for the Water Matters conference is now open. The conference will take place on Wednesday 25 March 2015 in Bozar, Brussels.

Water is life. It is essential to our health, economy and our environment. The EurEau conference will examine the food-water-energy nexus in the context of water scarcity, demographic change and climate change.

The programme is available here.

Our event will gather policymakers, water industry leaders and representatives of all types of water users – from energy producers to farmers to households. The priority action points identified by the robust event discussion will help to further mainstream water policy in other policy fields.

The conference will also be an occasion to discuss with the representatives of the European institutions the outlook for water policy in the upcoming years.

We will also celebrate EurEau’s 40th anniversary as the voice of the water sector in Europe. To mark the occasion, we will host a gala dinner on Tuesday 24 March 2015 also in Bozar, Brussels.

To benefit from our early bird offer please register at before Friday 27 February 2015.

Stay up to date with the latest conference news through the EurEau website and our social media channels. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook and join the #EurEau40yrs debate online!


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