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ENVI Opinion on TTIP: 314 AMs tabled


The members of the European Parliament’s ENVI (environment) Committee tabled 314 amendments (!) to the opinion drafted by MEP Bart Staes (Greens/Belgium).

The ENVI Committee is giving an opinion to the parliament’s INTA (International Trade) Committee on the ‘Recommendations to the European Commission on the negotiations for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)’ along with 12 (twelve!) other parliamentary committees.

The INTA Committee is the leading committee on this dossier. INTA is drafting an own-initiative (INI) report (non legislative) on the recommendations to the European Commission on the TTIP negotiations. The rapporteur is the INTA Chair, MEP Bernd Lange (S&D/Germany), who produced a working document in January 2015 and that will be the basis for his report.

ENVI MEPs will discuss their amendments in the coming weeks and should vote at the end of March on their opinion, although changes in the calendar are always possible if MEPs need more time to examine the 314 amendments and look for compromises.

In related news, two joint hearings will take place in the European Parliament next week: have a look at the INTA-ITRE hearing on the impact of TTIP on energy, research and industrial policies and the INTA-IMCO one on the consequences of TTIP for standardisation and consumer protection standards!


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