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Statistical Report on Drinking Water consultation published


DG Environment published a presentation on the statistical report on the public consultation on the quality of drinking water that ran from June to September 2014.

The results can not be considered final as they stem from the evaluation, by the European Commission, of only 5908 replies (the answers received were more than 20.000).

However, they give a preliminary indication of the answers received in the context of the consultation.

81,8% of the respondents think that where they live access to wholesome and clean drinking water is good, and around 70% believe that where they live the price of drinking water for consumers is affordable.

Respondents were also asked to identify threats to drinking water: more than 84% fear pollution from agriculture (such as pesticides, fertilisers) and 83,8% from industrial sources (such as heavy metals, solvents, additives, or other chemicals).

If you want to find out more, have a look the statistical report!


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