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ENVI Committee to draft opinion on TTIP


The ENVI Committee is drafting an opinion to the INTA (International Trade) Committee on the negotiations for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) with the US.

The preliminary version was drafted by MEP Bart Staes (Greens/EFA/ Belgium) and calls on the European Commission to exclude any terms in all the horizontal chapters and all the sectoral annexes of the TTIP that would involve regulation of chemicals and pesticides.

MEPs have one week to bring amendments to the draft written by Mr Staes (deadline is the 27 January at 12.00).

The Shadow Rapporteurs who work on this opinion are Mr Herbert Dorfmann (Italy) for the EPP group, the Vice-President of the ENVI Committee Mr Pavel Poc (S&D/Czech Republic) and for the ALDE group Ms Anneli Jäätteenmäki (Finland).

The vote on the opinion is scheduled for the 23rd February in the ENVI Committee.

On the 8th January the Environmental Audit Committee of the UK House of Commons also launched an inquiry focusing on the potential environmental impacts in the UK of TTIP.

Will ENVI MEPs manage to convey their concerns on the TTIP negotiations to their colleagues sitting in the International Trade Committee? Will the European Commission follow the European Parliament recommendations?

Stay tuned to follow developments!


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