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European Commission adopts the Work Programme 2015


The European Commission met in Strasbourg on Tuesday 16 December to approve its Work Programme for 2015.

The new College of Commissioners drew up three lists of legislative proposals: those that will be tabled in 2015, legislation that is already adopted but that will be withdrawn or modified and those that will have to go through the REFIT (Regulatory Fitness and Performance) programme.

The Drinking Water Directive is on the REFIT list and, in the light of the recent public consultation, will be evaluated to see whether it is fit for purpose and achieves its objectives. The results of the assessment are expected in the course of 2015.

The legislative elements of the ’circular economy package’ submitted to the European Parliament and to the Council in July 2014 will be withdrawn. In fact the proposed directive amending directives on waste, packaging and packaging waste, landfill waste, end-of-life vehicles, batteries and accumulators and WEEE had focused on waste, leaving water aside.

The European Commission committed to replace the directive with a more ambitious proposal to promote the circular economy by end 2015.

Will water reuse be part of the new circular economy package? Will the new package value waste water and sludge? We will keep an eye on developments.


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