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European Parliament approves the Junker Commission


The European Parliament plenary approved the new European Commission on Wednesday October 22 in Strasbourg with 423 votes in favour, 209 against and 67 abstentions.

The College of Commissioners 2014-2019, headed by its President, Jean-Claude Junker, former Prime Minister of Luxembourg, is made up of 28 members, one per Member State.

In comparison with the former College of Commissioners, the Junker Commission presents a new structure: apart from the President, Commissioners will have to cooperate closely with the five Vice-Presidents, according to portfolios linked to specific project teams.

As anticipated in a previous post of this blog, Mr Karmenu Vella was confirmed as the Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. He passed the “exam” of the hearing before the ENVI and PECH Committes whose MEPs said to be satisfied with his commitments.

Commissioner Vella will be part of the project team “a resilient energy union with a forward-looking climate change policy” headed by Vice-President Sefcovic.

The Commission Work Program 2015, expected before the end of 2014, will be the tool to understand in which direction the new Commission will move its first steps.


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