Published on 16 May 2017 In Position papers 5692 downloads
Customers and citizens need a much greater understanding of the value of water, including water pricing policies and the governance of water services, namely which players are involved, who takes the decisions on how water services are managed and who is responsible for what. Achieving this will help ensure access to safe and sustainable water today and tomorrow.
Published on 16 May 2017 In Position papers 5164 downloads
Clean water is a prerequisite for ensuring environmental and public health and prosperity. To achieve this we need better EU policy coordination.
Published on 23 January 2017 In Position papers 3376 downloads
Decreasing water consumption is an economic challenge for water and waste water operators, since most of their costs are fixed but their income is closely linked to consumption. Given that 60-80% of the costs are fixed, measures should guarantee that all fixed costs are recovered, for example by a better tariff structure.
Published on 26 August 2016 In Position papers 11058 downloads
Water is life. But these services have a cost that is covered by the water bill. In case citizens (domestic households), cannot afford to pay their bill, laws or contract agreements foresee measures to allow both customers and water services to maintain the service provided. This document summarises the procedures in place in EurEau members’ countries.
Published on 27 May 2016 In Position papers 3875 downloads
Water operators are fully committed to delivering strong governance in water services provision through transparency, accountability and stakeholder engagement. To pursue this, key relevant information for consumers should be made widely available by water operators.
Published on 07 October 2015 In Position papers 8081 downloads
EurEau members are fully committed to public transparency. This empowers customers and stakeholders to improve their awareness of water matters and express their interest, ideas and expectations.
Published on 01 October 2015 In Position papers 2484 downloads
EU legislation must ensure protection of drinking water resources and safe and healthy drinking water for European citizens. INSPIRE must provide relevant data about the soil, and groundwater and surface water quality.
Published on 09 May 2014 In Position papers 2162 downloads
WSPs help ensure safe drinking water for all.
Published on 09 May 2014 In Position papers 2053 downloads
Published on 03 June 2013 In Position papers 2026 downloads
Technical difficulties and administrative burdens could mean negative consequences for the functioning of the drinking and waste water infrastructure to the expense of public health, the environment and thus lead to increased costs for water users and public authorities.
Published on 28 February 2012 In Position papers 2056 downloads
Water management is essential so that we can all have access to safe and clean water, today and tomorrow.
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