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EA3G2022 International Conference on Ozone and Advance Oxidation. Science, Technologies and applications for a better world

28-11-2022 - 30-11-2022

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Description: EA3G2022 renews with a long series of successful conferences which were organised to provide an international forum for all concerned including fundamental, engineering and applied aspects of oxidation techniques involving ozone and advanced oxidation systems.

SCOPE AND OBJECTIVES: Population growth associated with increases in urbanization, in consumption, in industrialization, in pollution emissions already lead to shortages of water, food, raw materials and globally to climate change. However, climate and earth-resilient development is still possible by devoting greater efforts to certain key sectors: reduction of emissions to air, better resources management and preservation of the natural ecosystems. This involves particularly the implementation of advanced technologies.
EA3G2022 event thus aims to present an overview of the current state of knowledge and latest advances regarding the use of Ozone and Advanced Oxidation to provide solutions face to these challenges.


Digitalising urban waters: lessons learnt from the cities of Berlin, Copenhagen, Milan, Paris and Sofia

18-11-2022 9:00 am -12:30 pm

Join the online final conference of “Digitalising urban waters: lessons learnt from the cities of Berlin, Copenhagen, Milan, Paris and Sofia” on 18 November 2022 from 9h to 12h30 CET time. 


How can EPR promote sustainable consumption and production?

16-11-2022 2:00 pm -4:30 pm

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is an environmental policy instrument, under which producers are given a significant responsibility to tackle the environmental impacts of products throughout their lifespan, from the design and manufacture phases through end-of-life. However, despite the original intention to promote sustainable production and consumption, the EPR systems in place give a significant responsibility to the producers for the treatment.  


Journée d’étude du CEBEDEAU : Eau potable: de la protection des ressources à la consommation

10-11-2022 8:30 am -4:30 pm

La vie des professionnels de l’eau n’est pas un long fleuve tranquille ! De nombreux défis nous attendent. La protection de nos ressources en eau pour produire de l’eau potable devient un enjeu majeur à travers l’Europe. Les records météorologiques de ces dernières années démontrent que nos régions peuvent être confrontées à des stress hydriques réguliers. La nouvelle directive cadre «Eau Potable» impose une réflexion sur les risques en terme de quantité et de qualité.

C’est pourquoi le CEBEDEAU, en collaboration avec la SWDE, SPGE et la CILE avec le soutien du cluster H2O a choisi de consacrer cette journée d’étude "eau potable : de la protection de la ressource à la consommation" à cette problématique.

Venez écouter des orateurs avertis, comme T. Schaul, co-chair du groupe de travail européen Working Group Groundwater.

Les thèmes de la protection de la ressource en eau, de la qualité de l’eau, des ressources alternatives seront présentés et débattus par des experts belges et européens.

La journée d’étude se tiendra au BluePoint de Liège le 10 novembre 2022.

Les conférences seront en traduction simultanée FR/EN


Drinking water: from resource protection to consumption

Many challenges await water professionals. Protecting our water resources to produce drinking water is becoming a major issue across Europe. The meteorological records of the last few years show that our regions can face regular water stresses. The revised Drinking Water Directive requires a consideration of the risks in terms of quantity and quality.

This is why CEBEDEAU, in collaboration with SWDE, SPGE and CILE, with the support of the H2O cluster, dedicates this Study Day to "Drinking water: from the protection of the resource to consumption".

Come and listen to knowledgeable speakers, such as T. Schaul, co-chair of the European Working Group Groundwater.

The themes of water resource protection, water quality and alternative resources will be presented and discussed by Belgian and European experts.

The Study Day will take place on 10 November 2022 at BluePoint in Liège (Belgium).

The conferences will be simultaneously translated FR/EN


Management of water and sewerage infrastructure in the context of resource reduction and depletion

27-10-2022 10:00 am - 28-10-2022 4:00 pm

ARA invites you to participate in the Technical-Scientific Conference organized by Romanian Water Association, in partnership with Polytechnic University of Bucharest and Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest Conference aims to promote an exchange of knowledge on the management of water and sewerage infrastructure in the context of resource reduction and depletion, relevant to the technical-scientific community involved in its management and on actions to be taken, for the benefit of consumers. The events are dedicated to all water specialists starting with academia, consultants, designers and equipment manufacturers, water resources managers, water supply and sewerage operators and, last but not least, the general public interested in improving technical performance and management of the sector


20th Europe-INBO International Conference

26-09-2022 - 29-09-2022

The event welcomes representatives of EU Member States, national and regional water directorates and administrations, hydrographic district authorities and basin organizations, as well as representatives of EU candidate countries and countries of Eastern European, the Balkans, the Caucasus, Central Asia and the Mediterranean basin and other stakeholders interested in basin management and in the implementation of the Water Framework Directive, its "Daughter Directives" and other related policies, directives and regulations.

Join us and share your experiences on the themes addressed by this on-site event with simultaneous French / English interpretation (with the exception of the first of the two sessions of the workshop “Water in mountains”, which will be in French only)! 


Environmental Dimension of Antibiotic Resistance (EDAR6)

22-09-2022 - 27-09-2022

The sixth conference on the Environmental Dimension of Antibiotic Resistance (EDAR6) takes place in Gothenburg, Sweden September 22-27, 2022.


LuWQ2022, 5th International Interdisciplinary Conference on LAND USE AND WATER QUALITY: Agriculture and the Environment

12-09-2022 9:00 am - 15-09-2022 3:00 pm


5th International Interdisciplinary Conference on


Agriculture and the Environment

Maastricht, the Netherlands, 12-15 September 2022.

For information about the LuWQ2022 conference please refer to



World Water Congress & Exhibition

11-09-2022 - 15-09-2022

IWA’s upcoming World Water Congress & Exhibition in Copenhagen, Denmark, has been moved forward to September 2022.

The decision to postpone was taken due to the ongoing pandemic, and general uncertainty around live events and international travel. All existing tickets will remain valid, but please do contact the team should you have any queries about this.

IWA also plans to hold a significant virtual congress in Q2 of 2021, with more details to follow shortly.

For more details on the WWCE in Copenhagen, please visit


Water and Sewage in the Circular Economy Model

30-06-2022 - 01-07-2022

It concludes the MonGOS project “Monitoring of water and sewage management in the context of the implementation of the circular economy assumptions“. It will be held in Krakow on 30 June – 1.July.

The participation is free of charge.

The link is here:

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