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EA3G2022 International Conference on Ozone and Advance Oxidation. Science, Technologies and applications for a better world

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Description: EA3G2022 renews with a long series of successful conferences which were organised to provide an international forum for all concerned including fundamental, engineering and applied aspects of oxidation techniques involving ozone and advanced oxidation systems.

SCOPE AND OBJECTIVES: Population growth associated with increases in urbanization, in consumption, in industrialization, in pollution emissions already lead to shortages of water, food, raw materials and globally to climate change. However, climate and earth-resilient development is still possible by devoting greater efforts to certain key sectors: reduction of emissions to air, better resources management and preservation of the natural ecosystems. This involves particularly the implementation of advanced technologies.
EA3G2022 event thus aims to present an overview of the current state of knowledge and latest advances regarding the use of Ozone and Advanced Oxidation to provide solutions face to these challenges.

Event Properties

Event Date 28-11-2022
Event End Date 30-11-2022
Location Toulouse, France

Location Map

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