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SDG 6: the human right to water and sanitation in the EU

1 June 2016

Yesterday I attended the meeting on the Sustainable Development Goal on Water: Business as Usual in Brussels?” organised by the EWP and Team Finland. 

It was an occasion to reflect about the implementation of Goal 6 in the EU thanks to the variety of speakers that gave an overview of the Agenda 2030 and the developments of the process at UN level. 

After a keynote speech by Ambassador Csaba Körösi from the office of the President of the Republic of Hungary setting the scene for the SDG6, Mr Pavel Misiga, head of the Water Unit in DG ENV outlined the contribution that the European water policy (WFD, DWD, UWWTD and BWD) has made to realise SDG6. 

In the afternoon the participants took part in two different sessions on “Strengthening Water Governance in Cities” and “Building Collective Action in Agriculture ”. Presentations can be found here


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