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Glyphosate - EP Plenary vote to limit the authorisation renewal

21 April 2016

The European Parliament plenary adopted by 374 to 225 with 102 abstentions a resolution on the draft Commission implementing regulation renewing the approval of glyphosate. 

The Commission had proposed a draft implementing regulation that according to the European Parliament fails “to ensure a high level of protection of both human and animal health and the environment, fails to apply the precautionary principle, and exceeds the implementing powers provided for in Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009” since allowed for 15 years authorisation renewal.

The EP asks the Commission to present a new draft limiting the renewal of the authorisation to 7 years. MEPs want also to review the evidence that led EFSA to different conclusions than the ones by   International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).       

MEPs called on the Commission to submit a new draft implementing the regulation in order to better address the sustainable use of herbicides containing glyphosate. Read more here. The ball is now on the court of Member States: the comitology committee should meet and decide by 18-19 May, but it is unclear whether this decision will be taken by written procedure. 


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