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Water and high-end climate change - IMPRESSIONS

19 February 2016

For the past two days I have been working on climate change policy with many other different stakeholders in Venice in the framework of the IMPRESSIONS project financed by the European Commission under the 7FP. 

Professors and researchers from partner-universities projected a selected group of experts, policymakers, industry representatives, civil servants from different levels and NGOs representatives in high-end climate change scenarios up to 2100. 

It has been an intense and very interesting exercise to develop solutions in difficult situations and contexts (developed through modeling) where the temperature increases between 2,5 °C and 4,28 °C and flood risks increase significantly compared to a year-2000 baseline. 

It has been very interesting to see how agriculture and land use, water resources and biodiversity would be impacted by such extreme weather conditions and how our societies might adopt mitigation measures to be resilient or just simply adapt to a very different world. 

After stress-testing current EU policies, stakeholders elaborated various strategies to reach a 2100 Europe where European citizens live in a prosperous and more equitable society revolving on human well being, nature protection and conservation. 

Those strategies will be further develop by the IMPRESSIONS team and will form the basis of a third workshop next year.  

The project aims at informing better policy making at European as well as local level and is targeting decision makers in the first place.

The visit to the MOSE and the warm hospitality of the UNESCO’s Venice office were also great highlights of these two days.

See you in 2017 to keep up with this good work!


Water matters. EU matters.

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