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EurEau - EU matters blog

Dinner with Commissioner Vella

19 November 

So last night I attended the dinner with Karmenu Vella, Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, hosted by MEP Esther De Lange. The meeting explored the great potential of water in the circular economy.    

Commissioner Vella delivered an inspiring speech on water, considered as a precious resource that should not be wasted nor given for granted. He reminded the audience of the importance of the Sustainable Development Goals and the Agenda2030 document when it comes to the implementation of water policy in the EU and third countries. 

Looking especially at wastewater he focused on water reuse and the coherence with other EU policies (agriculture, chemicals). 

Bruno Tisserand, the President of EurEau, presented the position of water services and how they contribute to make the circular economy a reality. 

If you want to see some pictures look at Commissioner Vella’s twitter profile here: 


Water matters. EU matters. 

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