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Roadmap on water reuse published

18 September 2015

The European Commission published a roadmap on water reuse last week.

Roadmaps are an instrument the Commission uses to communicate on the ongoing work on a given topic - indicating deadlines and objectives of the Commission’s activities - as to increase transparency towards citizens and stakeholders.

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The European Parliament earlier this month encouraged “the European Commission to draw up a European legislative framework for the reuse of treated effluent in order, in particular, to protect sensitive activities and areas” in an official resolution voted by Plenary.

The European Commission is conducting an impact assessment considering the following different options:

  • No action: no policy change 
  • Information, communication and knowledge enhancement measures including EU guidance development, knowledge sharing and awareness raising actions targeting the general public and the practitioners. 
  • Non-binding measures aimed at improving: the implementation/enforcement of pricing, controls of abstractions and integrated water management, promotion of upcoming ISO/CEN water reuse standards, promotion of risk-based approaches for regulating water reuse. 
  • Binding standards on water reuse and/or binding framework for water reuse practices on the basis of a risk-based approach in order to maximise water reuse where and when relevant, and to provide a 4 clear framework for managing health and environmental risks related to water reuse practices. This could encompass elements such as risk management plans, treatment standards, treatment process controls, application controls and water quality benchmarks 
  • Binding requirement for Member States to consider and/or establish targets on water reuse in the context of integrated water management where relevant, etc. 

To reinforce the achievement of the main objectives, the above options could be combined, e.g. information, communication and knowledge enhancements measures could accompany the non-binding or binding measures. 

The impact assessment is envisaged to be completed by Autumn 2016.


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