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Right2Water: vote by EP Plenary

The motion for resolution (non-legally binding resolution) on the ECI “Right2Water” will be voted next week during the Plenary sitting of the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

The report will be discussed on Monday night and the vote will be taken on Tuesday 8 September around lunchtime:

The Boylan’s report that was adopted by the ENVI Committee is available at:

The outcome of the vote is still uncertain given this week’s events. Two big political groups (EPP and ECR) decided to present an alternative motion for resolution, under Rule 170(4) of the RoP: , while some MEPs tabled amendments to the Boylan’s report available at:

The Boylan report lacks clarity on some elements such as the principle of neutrality, benchmarking, the need for investments in the water sector and the need for pollution prevention.

We believe that the choice of the management system should be left to Member States and the European Institutions have to remain neutral since under the EU Treaties this is a topic subject to subsidiarity.

Benchmarking is a managerial tool that is already widely used by water operators to measure performance of the services at local, regional and national level and it is not suitable to be adapted and used as a communication tool in the relations with our customers.

The need for investments in the water sector requires setting an appropriate level of water tariffs, meaning that tariffs should not only cover the resource and operational costs of the service, but should also allow the water companies to invest in infrastructure. An artificially low level of water prices would not only lead to the depletion of water resources, but would fail to secure investments in infrastructure maintenance, leaving a heavy burden of investment for future generations.

On the other hand we agree that Member States have to put in place social policy instruments - such as water affordability mechanisms - to guarantee the access to water and sanitation to European citizens who face economic difficulties and are not able to afford to pay their water bills.

Read the full position of EurEau on the Right2Water ECI at: 


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