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EurEau meets Commissioner Vella


EurEau met the Commissioner for Environment, Karmenu Vella, yesterday 9 March in order to discuss the importance of water policy and highlight priority actions needed in this field, together with key other European water organisations.

Carl-Emil Larsen, president of EurEau, promoted the source control approach, considered also the right approach to follow by the European Commission in the communication “The Water Framework Directive and the Floods Directive: Actions towards the ‘good status’ of EU water and to reduce flood risks” published on 9 March. The polluter pays principle, the principle of cost recovery and the need of securing the necessary investments on water infrastructure were also at the core of the discussions.

A Maltese, Commissioner Vella showed a great awareness of the importance of water for sustainable economic growth and jobs creation. Water is certainly a priority on his political agenda.


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