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EurEau statement on the Classification, Labelling and Packaging Regulation

EurEau, the European Federation of National Associations of Water Services, welcomes the Commission’s proposed delegated regulation amending the Classification, Labelling and Packaging Regulation as published yesterday (20 September 2022).

The addition of the new hazard classes (PBT, vPvB, ED, PMT and vPvM) represents the first step to classifying hazardous chemicals as Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) and taking preventive measures to eventually restrict/phase out their use and thus protecting our health and the water resources. Consumers will benefit in the long run, as water operators will have less cause for the use of costly treatment processes to remove them, considering that many PMT and vPvM substances are only partly removed by waste water treatment processes and can even break through the most advanced purification processes at drinking water treatment facilities.

Briefing note on sludge and the circular economy - the impact of PFAS

Position paper on PFAS in the urban water cycle (2022 update)

Briefing note on drinking water and PFAS

Briefing note on waste water and PFAS



The draft delegated regulation:

The CLP regulation:

EurEau, CLP, water matters, Classification, Labelling and Packaging, hazard classes, PBT, vPvB, ED, PMT, SVHC

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