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EurEau Position Paper on the draft IED Revision

In April 2022, the Commission adopted proposals for revised EU measures to address pollution from large industrial installations. 

In line with the European Green Deal, the overall aim of these proposals is to progress towards the EU’s zero pollution ambition for a toxic-free environment and to support climate, energy and circular economy policies.

The proposed text meets most of the water service providers’ expectations by correcting some drawbacks of the current directive regarding the protection of water bodies. EurEau supports the general philosophy, aligned with the zero-pollution ambition, to control industrial pollution at the source. Overall, we find the Commission’s proposal goes in a very positive direction and we look forward to working with the EU institutions to make the IED an effective and robust force in protecting the environment, human health, water resources and water services’ workers.

You can read our position here.

The Commission's proposal is here: revision of the IED and revision of the E-PRTR Regulation (to create the Industrial Emissions Portal). A Factsheet and Questions & Answers accompany the proposals.

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