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Environmental Dimension of Antibiotic Resistance (EDAR6)

It is a great pleasure to welcome you to attend the sixth conference on the Environmental Dimension of Antibiotic Resistance (EDAR6) in Gothenburg, Sweden September 22-27, 2022. Since the first EDAR meeting arranged by Professor Edward Topp in Canada in 2012, the conference series has become the largest international scientific meeting that specifically addresses the role of the environment in antibiotic resistance. The EDAR series has since the start been rotating between North America, Asia and Europe and have been given approximately every second year.

The role of the environment in the development and spread of antibiotic resistance has become more and more recognized. This is true not only among academic researchers. The environment is also becoming an important component of both national and international AMR policies. This recognition stems from an increased appreciation that bacteria and their genes can move between the environment, human and animal microbiota (the One-Health-Concept). EDAR attempts to embrace a broad set of topics, including e.g. pollution sources and fates in the environment, environmental selection and evolution of resistance, transmission of genes and bacteria between different environments/humans/animals, surveillance, risk assessment strategies, and both technical and policy-related means of mitigating risks.

We are confident that COVID will not prevent physical participation in Gothenburg for most of you. Indeed, to get the most out of the meeting, including networking and spontaneous interactions and discussions with old and new friends and colleagues, we strongly encourage physical attendance. Still, as we cannot exclude that some travel restrictions may still exist in some regions, we offer EDAR6 as a hybrid meeting where attendants can register for online participation only, paying a reduced fee.

Please explore our website to register and  learn more about the meeting, the venue, the scientific committee, the program and social events. The deadline for submitting abstract is the 2nd of June. 

To provide a flavour of the science to be covered at EDAR6, we welcome everyone to attend the monthly EDAR6 countdown webinar series, starting in February 2022. At each seminar, a previous EDAR convener will give a state-of-the-art presentation on a topic of his/her choice. The webinars are free of charge to attend. For more information about presenters, topics, dates, times and how to register, please visit

A warm welcome to Gothenburg in September

Joakim Larsson, conference chair of EDAR6

Event Properties

Event Date 22-09-2022
Event End Date 27-09-2022
Location Gothenburg

Location Map

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