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Deloitte EurEau Report - Extended Producer Responsibility - Module 3

EurEau commissioned a study to assess the potential applicability and relevance of extended producer responsibility (EPR) in order to develop clear policy guidance to address emissions of micropollutants and microplastics from products. A key finding of the study confirms that control-at-source measures should be the starting point of mitigation measures.

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EurEau_EPR Study_Module 2_January 2020.pdf

Deloitte EurEau Report - Extended Producer Responsibility - Module 2

EurEau commissioned a study to assess the potential applicability and relevance of extended producer responsibility (EPR) in order to develop clear policy guidance to address emissions of micropollutants and microplastics from products. A key finding of the study confirms that control-at-source measures should be the starting point of mitigation measures.

pdf Deloitte EurEau Report - Extended Producer Responsibility - Module 1 Popular

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EurEau_EPR Study_Module 1_January 2020.pdf

Deloitte EurEau Report - Extended Producer Responsibility - Module 1

EurEau commissioned a study to assess the potential applicability and relevance of extended producer responsibility (EPR) in order to develop clear policy guidance to address emissions of micropollutants and microplastics from products. A key finding of the study confirms that control-at-source measures should be the starting point of mitigation measures.

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EurEau manifesto 2019

Water matters! The European water sector wants you to guarantee our water heritage.

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Report on the governance of water services in Europe

If water is a public good, it is also true that providing water services is an activity with important technical, economic, managerial and regulatory aspects - whether carried out by public or private operators. Water services are essential in supporting the sustainable development of our societies, but still little is known about them. This is because the infrastructure is mainly underground, accessible only to few experts and sometimes situated in locations that are far from urban areas and protected for obvious security reasons.

This report will be helpful in providing a simple but comprehensive overview of water governance models in Europe, especially to those decision makers at EU and at national level who will work on the legislative instruments to reform water policy in the coming years.

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Europe's water in figures - a statistical snapshot of drinking and waste water in Europe

EurEau is pleased to present our data survey, covering both drinking and waste water services in Europe. It includes national technical, economic and managerial data ranging from population connection rates to drinking water supply to waste water treatment levels to prices and governance. The results testify the diversity of the sector. They also show some of the immediate challenges our sector is facing, particularly regarding investment needs.


2017 edition.

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Water-investment-in-Europe (1).jpg

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