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EU water conference

EU water conference

The 5th European water conference aims to present and discuss progress in the implementation of EU water legislation. The event is jointly organised by the European Commission's Directorate-General for the Environment and the forthcoming Austrian EU Presidency.

Around 400 representatives from EU countries, stakeholder groups in relevant economic, social and environmental sectors, the European Commission, the European Environment Agency and other EU institutions will have the opportunity to debate about the findings of the different water-related reports, learn from each other's experiences in view of the next water planning cycles. The ongoing fitness check of the Water Framework Directive, its associated directives and the Floods Directive, and the evaluation of the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (UWWTD) will also be discussed.


  pdf EurEau presentation (1.06 MB)

More information on the event

Event Properties

Event Date 20-09-2018 10:00 am
Event End Date 21-09-2018 3:00 pm
Location Vienna, Austria

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