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Bringing together scientists, policy makers, operators, basin authorities and civil society to address water security and global challenges in Megacities

Paris, New York, Beijing, Mumbai, Tokyo, Buenos Aires, Mexico, Lagos… all Megacities – urban centers which accommodate more than 10 million inhabitants - are facing “mega”-challenges related to providing water services for their inhabitants, while managing their environment. Climate change effects of intensifying magnitude and global challenges such as sea level rise, increasing temperatures or urbanization, threaten these cities. Now, there is a need for action to achieve resilient cities.

A transversal and multidimensional solution is proposed, based on the collaboration among scientists who advance knowledge, operators and basin authorities (in public and private sectors) who innovate technically and socio-politically, and local politicians who can support new, fairer and more efficient models of water governance, in constant interaction with civil society.

Event Properties

Event Date 11-01-2022
Event End Date 14-01-2022
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