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WFD evaluation published


The Fitness Checks clears the way for better implementation of the WFD in particular.

EurEau members share the views included in the outcome of the Fitness Check on the Water Framework Directive, the Floods Directive, the Groundwater Directive and the Environmental Quality Standards Directive.

We have witnessed the slow but steady progress of water bodies towards 'good status' and agree that more should be done for the protection of water resources from agricultural and chemical pollution through the application of the polluter-pays principle.

We also recognise the challenge posed by the communication of the progress achieved so far, if it is only based on the one-out-all-out principle.

Finally we strongly support the idea of a better implementation of the cost recovery provisions so that agriculture and industry bear their fair share of the economic burden, and not only households.


The Commission announcement is here

The Fitness Checks are here


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