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pdf Consultation on the Pharmaceuticals Strategy Popular

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Submitted consultation Pharmaceuticals Strategy.pdf

Consultation on the Pharmaceuticals Strategy

The EU is well aware of the need to reduce the environmental footprint of medicines.

This challenge, plus many more will be addressed in the forthcoming EU Pharmaceutical Strategy, which should cover the whole life-cycle of pharmaceutical products from scientific discovery to authorisation and patient access.

pdf EurEau feedback on the Inception Impact Assessment of the UWWTD Popular

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IIA OF UWWTD_EurEaufeedback_Final.pdf

EurEau feedback on the Inception Impact Assessment of the UWWTD

A revised UWWTD will set the context for waste water services for the next generation. Therefore we highlight key points that the impact assessment (IA) must address in our feedback.

pdf EurEau feedback on the roadmap for the evaluation of the Sewage Sludge Directive Popular

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ROADMAP FOR EVALUATION OF SSD_EurEaufeedback_final_annex.pdf

pdf Consultation on climate change adaptation (2020) Popular

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EurEau Contribution to COM consultation on climate change adaptation (2020).pdf

Consultation on climate change adaptation (2020)

A recent analysis by the European Commission through the PESETA project refines the projected impacts of recent analysis by the European Commission through the PESETA project refines the projected impacts of climate change on the Union and beyond, as well as some of the benefits of adaptation measures. This analysis highlights the need for more ambitious action on adaptation. In order to support the development of the new EU Adaptation Strategy, the European Commission is seeking stakeholder views and feedback, in line with the Better Regulation Guidelines, including this open public consultation. Your responses to this questionnaire will be analysed and fed into the policy design process.

pdf EurEau feedback to the roadmap on the EU Methane Strategy Popular

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EurEau feedback to the roadmap on the EU Methane Strategy2.pdf

EurEau feedback to the roadmap on the EU Methane Strategy

We welcome the EU Methane Strategy initiative, which intends to reduce the manmade methane emissions by putting in place an enabling environment to cut these emissions, which contribute to climate change.

pdf Consultation - European Climate Pact Popular

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Consultation - European Climate Pact

The European Green Deal sets out how to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050, boosting the economy, improving people's health and quality of life, caring for nature, and leaving no one behind. Water needs to be an integral part of this. 

pdf Consultation - Fitness Check on the Regulation on Endocrine Disruptors Popular

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2020.01.31 FitnessCheck on Reg on ED.pdf

Consultation - Fitness Check on the Regulation on Endocrine Disruptors

EurEau favours a hazard-based approach for all chemicals (including EDCs) entering the water cycle, which takes into consideration the risk of adverse impacts to humans and the environment without taking exposure into account. We insist that the source control approach, the Precautionary and Polluter Pays Principles should be applied.

pdf Consultation Horizon Europe plan 2021 2024 Popular

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Consultation on horizon europe.pdf

Consultation Horizon Europe plan 2021 2024

Horizon Europe is the research and innovation framework programme running from 2021-2027. 

pdf Consultation on EU Product Policy Popular

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2018.12.20 Consultation on EU Product Policy.pdf

Consultation on EU Product Policy

The wide range of products on the EU single market. The wide range of products on the EU single market are subject to many different EU policies that vary in scope, type and approach. These policies include different forms of legislation, guidance and financial and/or market incentives. They have various policy aims such as ensuring the safety of people that use or consume the products, maintaining fair competition on the EU internal market, climate change mitigation, protecting the environment, providing consumer protection and promoting more sustainable products.

pdf EurEau contribution to consultation on interface between chemicals product and waste legislation Popular

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EurEau contribution to consultation on interface between chem., product and waste legislation.pdf

pdf UWWTD Evaluation - consultation Popular

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2018.10.19 UWWTD Evaluation.pdf

pdf Consultation on Pharmaceuticals in the Environment - February2018 Popular

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Consultation on Pharmaceuticals in the Environment - February2018

Pharmaceuticals can enter the water cycle in many ways. We must take steps now to minimise their release into the environment. A full life cycle of pharmaceuticals should be considered when designing remedial measures. End of pipe solutions are not sustainable.

pdf EurEau feedback on the evaluation of the UWWTD Popular

By In Consultations 700 downloads

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ROADMAP FOR EVALUATION OF UWWTD_EurEaufeedback_submitted_for-Website.pdf

EurEau feedback on the evaluation of the UWWTD

UWWTD is a central pillar of the waste water services in Europe and has successfully created a level playing field for environmental standards and economic investment by setting baseline requirements for urban waste water treatment. We agree that time is now to evaluate the costs and benefits of UWWTD implementation.

pdf Consultation on Anti Microbial resistance April2017 Popular

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Consultation on Anti Microbial resistance April2017
Pharmaceuticals can enter the water cycle in many ways. We must take steps now to minimise their release into the environment. A full life cycle of pharmaceuticals should be considered when designing remedial measures. End of pipe solutions are not sustainable.

pdf Consultaiton on REACH refit January2017 Popular

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Consultaiton on REACH refit January2017

Pharmaceuticals can enter the water cycle in many ways. We must take steps now to minimise their release into the environment. A full life cycle of pharmaceuticals should be considered when designing remedial measures. End of pipe solutions are not sustainable.

pdf Consultation on endocrine disruptors - January2015 Popular

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Consultation on endocrine disruptors - January2015

EurEau members provide consumers with water that meet some of the world’s strictest standards, every day

pdf Consultation on the Groundwater Directive October2013 Popular

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Consultation on the Groundwater Directive October2013
Protecting groundwater sources from contamination is vital for ensuring a supply of clean and safe drinking water for us now and for our future generations. EurEau insists on the proper implementation EU legislation so as to protect health and the environment.

pdf Consultation on Fitness Check on Freshwater Policy February2012 Popular

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Consultation on Fitness Check on Freshwater Policy February2012
EurEau members provide consumers with water that meet some of the world’s strictest standards, every day.

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