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EurEau cautiously welcomes the EU’s Clean Industrial Deal

The European Commission has published its proposal for a Clean Industrial Deal, calling it “a bold business plan to support the competitiveness and resilience of our industry.” The Commission expects the deal will “accelerate decarbonisation, while securing the future of manufacturing in Europe.”

The deal focuses mainly on two closely linked sectors: energy-intensive industries and clean tech, and puts the circular economy at its core.

EurEau supports several parts of the deal and it is encouraging to see that decarbonising Europe’s industry remains a priority. Promoting a circular economy is key to delivering the sustainable, competitive economy that the EU envisions, while tackling the challenge of climate change. If the enabling factors are in place, the water sector can become a key player in closing raw material, nutrient, carbon and water cycles. This includes the critical raw material phosphorous.

We can also contribute to making Europe’s energy supply affordable and renewable through the supply of bio-methane, biogas, heat and power. 

Keeping our water resources free from pollution through effective control-at-source measures is paramount. The lower the treatment levels needed to protect public health and the environment, the more renewable energy, reclaimed water, nutrients and recovered materials we can provide to European companies.

Water resilience is central to the EU achieving its goals of a sustainable future. We look forward to engaging with the EU institutions and stakeholders to achieve this. Read more on the Commission’s website.

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