EurEau newsletter - January 2025
EurEau News
Martin Silič joins the EurEau team!
We are very pleased to welcome Martin Silič to the EurEau secretariat. Martin worked in the European Parliament for several years, where he was an MEP assistant, working on many issues including the Water Framework Directive.
Speaking out
Oliver Loebel addressed the DVGW Water sector meeting on 16 January. He also spoke at the ÖVGW Drinking Water Symposium on 22 January and the Belgaqua Board meeting of 28 January. On the same day, he was a keynote speaker at the 15th anniversary event of Revolve media in Brussels.
Gari Villa-Landa shared the challenges related to integrated urban wastewater management plans, resource recovery from wastewater and sludge and energy neutrality stemming from the UWWTD (recast) on 14 January, in the Conference organised by DANVA and DI (Danish Industry) on “The new Urban Wastewater Directive and environmentally hazardous substances - challenges and opportunities for future treatment plants and Danish water technology.”
Paula Lindell (EU2 co-Chairperson) and Gari Villa-Landa represented EurEau in the ESPP workshop on the future Circular Economy Act on 21 January, presenting the sector’s view on resource recovery from wastewater and sludge.
EU news
Legislative developments
Water Resilience Strategy (WRS): call for evidence in February
The European Commission announced it will conduct a call for evidence from 4 February on its upcoming Water Resilience Strategy (WRS), which is expected by the end of June. The Commission will also hold a stakeholder consultation workshop in Brussels on 6 March. You can register for it
In parallel, the European Parliament is working on an own initiative report on the subject, aiming to feed into the Commission strategy. The draft report by rapporteur Thomas Bajada (S&D, Malta) is expected in the last days of January, other MEPs will then have until 20 February to file amendments.
Water legislation
Water resilience: EurEau meets with Commissioner Roswall
EurEau met with Environment Commissioner Jessika Roswall on 14 January to offer our support for the development of an ambitious EU water resilience strategy. We insisted on the need to avoid water pollution, including through PFAS at the source in order to protect usable water quantities, and enable the water sector to contribute to food security and the circular economy while maintaining the affordability of services.
The Commission will launch the consultation phase on the strategy at the beginning of February through a Call for Evidence.
Water and the environment
PFAS: EurEau Urges EU Leaders to Act on Forever Chemicals to Safeguard Europe’s Water Quality
We published a paper – PFAS phase-out: a pre-requisite for a water resilient Europe - highlighting the impact of continued PFAS use on water resources and the financial cost of removing them from the water cycle.
It coincided with a media
We advocate that a full PFAS ban is essential to prevent further contamination and ensure the availability of safe, affordable water for all.
Detergents Regulation: Trilogue initiated
At the end of January, the European Parliament and the Council will initiate the trilogue negotiations on the 2023 Commission proposal for a revised Detergents Regulation.
EurEau stresses the need to maintain coherence with the new Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive and calls on the negotiating teams and the Commission to agree on lower phosphorous and phosphate limits, a biodegradability requirement for all ingredients and measures to prevent antimicrobial resistance.
To the EurEau position here.
Flushability of products: EurEau opposes ISO standard
The international standards organisation ISO is finalising the consultation phase for a draft standard on ‘Test methodologies for assessing products suitable to be flushed down a toilet and appropriate labelling’. EurEau and its members call on ISO to reject this draft. Experience shows that ‘flushability’ labels cause harm to the wastewater system and the water environment by promoting or resulting in an increase in the flushing of inappropriate items to the sewer network. All items should be labelled as ‘do not flush’.
More information here.
Ecodesign of products: EurEau invited to join Ecodesign Forum
Following the approval of the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR), the Commission has set up an advisory forum to contribute to the setting of eco-design criteria. Given the impact of production on water quality and water quantity, EurEau was invited to sit on this Forum. The kick-off meeting is planned for 19-20 February.
More information
Plastic pellets losses: Trilogue initiated
On 17 December the Council adopted its position on the Regulation on preventing the loss of plastic pellets.
On the European Parliament side, there is a new Rapporteur for the file, César Luena (ES, S&D), who is committed to passing ambitious laws that protect the environment and health. In this regard, the Parliament’s ENVI Committee voted on 16 January to start the Trilogue negotiations (set to begin on 29 January).
Omnibus Simplification Package: expected by end of February 2025
The Omnibus Simplification Package announced in November 2024 by Ursula von der Leyen, which aims to amend sustainability disclosure laws (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) and the EU Taxonomy Regulation) is expected on 26 February.
Water as an essential service
Public Procurement Rules: Commission assesses functioning
The Commission launched the evaluation of three legislative acts that regulate public procurement in the EU (‘how to buy’): Directives 2014/23/EU (Concessions Directive), 2014/24/EU (Public Procurement Directive) and 2014/25/EU (Utilities Directive). It will assess their performance and impact across the EU, whether they remain fit for purpose, deliver on their intended objectives at minimum cost and are adequate to address current challenges. A call for evidence and public consultation were opened at the “Have your say” portal. The feedback period ends on 07 March 2025.
11-14 March 2025 -
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