Ambitions of the water sector - Enabling factors
Our water services of tomorrow – Let’s make change happen
The water services sector has the ambition to play a front-running role in Europe’s journey to building climate-neutral, circular, smart and resilient society. To achieve this, water services will work with local and EU level policy makers to maximise the latest innovative technologies and practices, by digitalising their operations, exploiting their full energy efficiency and renewable energy generation potentials, and recovering nutrients and materials from waste water streams and drinking water treatment.
These are the five success factors we must achieve to set the sector on the path to change. They are accompanied by short check-lists for regulators and policy makers.
1. Enabling regulatory framework
2. Ensuring long-term funding and resources
3. Attracting a competent workforce and obtaining societal recognition
4. Developing innovative solutions and increasing motivation to change
5. Avoiding pollution at the source.
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