A Water Resilience Strategy for Europe; Our vision for our water’s future
Our society, economy, environment and health depend on each of us having access to reliable, clean and affordable water every day. Your European water services strive every day to do this.
Much EU legislation to better protect people and the planet has been passed or is being processed since the last European Parliament elections - the Drinking Water Directive, the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive, and legislation covering agriculture, chemicals and pharmaceuticals. One other cornerstone of water legislation – the Water Framework Directive – will need to define its post 2027 ambitions, and policy makers must decide whether to extend its reach to protect water resources. We support such a move.
We need a robust 360° strategy at European level to ensure that water services are protected across all areas. In our vision for our water’s future, we call on the EU to prioritise:
Giving water its right place
Protecting the quality of our water resources
Addressing climate change
Enhancing the Circular Economy
Financing change while keeping water services affordable
Improving security and resilience and guaranteeing the protection of sensitive information.
Read more in our Water Resilience Strategy for Europe; Our vision for our water’s future.
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