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EurEau newsletter - May 2023

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EurEau News

EurEau elections

EurEau’s General Assembly elected a new president and committee chairs at the May 2023 meeting.

Pär Dalhielm is the new EurEau President, leading Europe’s water services with the ambition to strengthen our voice in the coming political debates and policymaking. Pär is the CEO of Svenskt Vatten, the Swedish national organisation for drinking water and wastewater services.

EurEau also elected new Committee Chairs and Executive Committee.

The full result of the EurEau elections are:

  • Pär Dalhielm (Svenskt Vatten, Sweden): President
  • Gesche Grützmacher (DVGW, Germany) and Riina Liikanen (FIWA, Finland): co-Chairs of the EurEau Committee on Drinking Water
  • John Casey (Uisce Éireann, Ireland) and Paula Lindell (FIWA, Finland): co-Chairs of the EurEau Committee on Waste Water
  • Denis Bonvillain (FP2E, France) and Brian Murphy (Uisce Éireann, Ireland): co-Chairs of the EurEau Committee on Economics and Legal Affairs.

The full Executive Committee will be composed of Mariano Blanco Orozco (AEAS, Spain), Claudia Castell-Exner (DVGW, Germany), Karl Cilia (Water Services Corporation, Malta), Stuart Colville (Water UK), Sandis Dejus (Latvian Water and Wastewater Works Association), Luigi del Giacco (Utilitalia, Italy) and Klara Ramm, (IGWP, Poland).  Alain Gillis (Belgaqua, Belgium) remains as treasurer.

All parties take up their new positions from 01 July 2023.


Speaking out

Claudia represented EurEau in Bonn for the 5th Global WOPs Congress Resilience in Challenging Times, participating in the Plenary Session Future-facing operators: What innovations to reach the SDGs? on 22 May.


EU news

Water legislation

UWWTD: amendments avalanche

The deadline for submitting amendments to the Commission’s draft proposal of the UWWTD in the European Parliament was 5 May, with the full report being published on 12 May, encompassing all 1409 amendments tabled.

We submitted our reaction to the Parliament’s report on the proposal and are continuing to work on the compromise amendments.


Water and agriculture

Sustainable Use of Pesticides Regulation: compromise lost?

Parliament has launched negotiations on the compromise amendments (CAs). Currently, discussions are focussing on topics where EurEau has less competence (maintenance of equipment, aerial spraying). Unfortunately, the overall approach of many MEPs remains unchanged, and are weakening the SUR as much as possible by making many requirements voluntary.


Soil Health Law: proposal imminent

The Commission’s proposal, due on 7 June, has been postponed to 5 July 2023. Soil health is crucial for achieving key objectives of the European Green Deal such as climate neutrality, biodiversity restoration, zero pollution, healthy and sustainable food systems and a resilient environment. We participate in the Commission’s Expert Group on the Implementation of the EU Soil Strategy.


Water and the environment

WFD, EQSD and GWD: inching towards a vote

The European Parliament is working through the compromise amendments to the Environmental Quality Standards Directive (EQSD) and the Groundwater Directive (GWD). You can read our recently published position paper for more.


Pharmaceuticals legislation: Rapporteurs appointed:

The parliament has appointed two Rapporteurs: Pernille Weiss (DK, EPP) for the Directive relating to Medical Products for Human Use, and Tiemo Wölken (DE, S&D) for the Regulation on Community procedures for the authorisation and supervision of medicinal products for human and veterinary use.


Industrial Emission Directive: Plenary vote imminent

The ENVI vote in the European Parliament took place the week of 22 May, with several of the amendments supported by EurEau being both tabled and accepted. The report is set to be voted on by the Plenary on 10 July.


Microplastics: Commission removes legislative act from agenda

While the REACH restriction on intentionally added microplastics has finally been adopted, the Commission’s legislative proposals on unintentionally released particles, due in spring 2023, are no longer on the Commission’s agenda. They were initially intended to address tyres, textiles, plastic pellets and other emission sources.

Unintentionally released microplastics can enter the aquatic environment through multiple sources and contaminate drinking water resources.


Taxonomy Regulation: Commission consultation on draft delegated acts

Based on the reports from the Sustainable Financing Platform, the Commission developed a draft delegated act on the environment and modified the Climate Delegated Act. EurEau used the four-week public consultation period to submit proposals to improve the screening criteria for drinking water and wastewater services.

The final proposal from the Commission may be published before the summer break.


Innovation Sharing Platform news

We will host a webinar on the supply of treatment materials on 22 June. Contact Caroline for more details. 

We are planning a webinar on GHG accounting for September. We will let you know more soon.

One of our colleagues is looking for information on anaerobic co-digestion of high organic feedstock. Read more here.


Other news

Commission consultation: Polluter Pays Principle

The Commission has launched a public consultation (deadline 04/08/2023) to collect information on the application of the PPP in both EU and national legislation. This initiative should result in a recommendation to be published in 2024. We will prepare a reaction.

According to the EU Treaty, the Union’s environmental legislation the polluter should bear the cost of remedying environmental damage if control-at-source measures are insufficient. In practice, however, the cost is often put on society or water operators.



3-11 June 2023 – Green Week, as part of the European Year of Skills, the EU Green Week Partner Events will focus on skills for sustainable, resilient, and socially fair communities.

20-24 August 2023 – World Water Week in Stockholm and online. Read the programme here.

5-7 September 2023 – NORDIWA call for abstracts for the conference to take place in Gothenburg, Sweden. More on NORDIWA: Home (

23-25 October 2023 - Critical Infrastructure of Cities CIC 2023 in Nowy Sącz, Poland; this conference takes into account current issues of security of the broadly understood critical infrastructure, environmental protection and health of residents and regarding smart cities. More information soon.

UWWTD, water, WFD, water matters, soil, elections

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