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Gari Villa-Landa Sokolova joins EurEau

Welcome Gari to the EurEau Secretariat

We are very pleased that Gari Villa-Landa Sokolova started working in the Secretariat this week.

Gari joins us from AEAS in Spain and brings her wealth of knowledge on water policy and EurEau with her. Most of you know Gari from her involvement in EurEau on behalf of AEAS since 2015, and especially as co-chairperson of EU3 since July 2021.

To start, Gari will work on (but not limited to) the UWWTD, taxonomy, EQSD, the DWD and microplastics.

We are very excited to have Gari on board, and we are sure you will join us in welcoming her to this side of the EurEau team.

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