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Industrial Emissions Directive: Evaluation report published

Aside from the roadmap on the revision of E-PRTR (European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register), the evaluation report of the Industrial Emission Directive (IED) has been published. You can find the report here.

The main finding of the report is that it is unclear how the IED impacted on the release of pollution in water. It also identified inconsistencies between the IED and the WFD (pollution discharge in drinking water resources) and unclear regulatory boundaries between the IED and the UWWTD, particularly with respect to waste water sludge management and its onward uses. It also noted that according to E-PRTR data, direct emissions (in mass) to water from industry for most pollutants have slightly decreased in recent years and, in the meantime, transfers from industry towards UWWTPs have marginally increased (except for heavy metals). This is not good news or rivers nor WWTP operators.

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