EurEau newsletter - edition 28 - September 2018
EurEau News
IWA World water congress
Bruno Tisserand, EurEau President was in Tokyo representing us at IWA, accompanied by a lot of our members. We co-organised a workshop on ‘Reuse, recover, recycle – Accelerating Resource Recovery from Water’ with the Ressource Recovery from Water Cluster from IWA. It was a great success with a lot of attendees and an in-depth discussion on the future path.
5th EU Water Conference
Anders Finnson, chairperson of our JWG on the WFD represented EurEau during the 5th European Water Conference in Vienna. Anders spoke about ‘Europe’s Water Today’. He was one of a strong EurEau contingent at the conference.
All the conference material, including presentations and links to the live stream recordings, is available on the conference
The next meeting of the SCG will take place on 8 November in Brussels. The main discussion item will be the next CIS Work Programme. The invitation and draft agenda will be circulated via the AGM Registration System in due course.
Slovenian Public Utilities Conference
EurEau’s Secretary General Oliver Loebel spoke at the Public Utilities Conference of Slovenia in Podcetrtek on 21-22 September.
Regulation on Water Reuse: Intergroup meeting planned
The working group on Agriculture and Water Management, of the Intergroup on Biodiversity, Climate Change and Sustainable Development, chaired by MEP Michel Dantin will organise a meeting on the Regulation on
Other speaking opportunities
On 25 September, Oliver Loebel presented water-related topics to the European umbrella body of the metal industry Eurométaux and on 28 September, he spoke on microplastics at the high-level meeting of the tyre and road wear particles platform.
Bertrand Vallet was a member of the panel at the ESPP event on the Fertiliser Regulation in Brussels on 5 September. He presented the EurEau position and opinion on the work of the STRUBIAS group and the possibility to have CE marked fertilisers with material coming from sewage sludge.
EU news
ENVI vote on the DWD
The Environment Committee of the European Parliament adopted the report of MEP Michel Dantin (EPP/FR) on the Drinking Water Directive on the 10 September in Strasbourg. You can read the result of the vote on the ‘EU Matters’ blog.
The vote in Plenary will take place between 23-24 October.
You can watch the video that sums up our position with EurEau Vice President Claudia Castell-Exner here and read our position paper on the DWD.
Single Use Plastics Directive: Parliament committee vote in mid-October
The European Parliament’s ENVI Committee will adopt its report on the directive on the ‘Reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment’ in mid-October. A number of MEPs support our view that producers, and not water consumers, should be held responsible for the economic damage inflicted by wet wipes on the waste water infrastructure.
Read our position paper and our
Circular economy and plastics: European Parliament wants more ambition
On 13 September, the European Parliament adopted its own-initiative report on the
We broadly support the Parliament's report but we would like to see more Extended Producer Responsibility and use of the Polluter Pays Principle.
Regulation on Water Reuse
The rapporteur on the file for the ENVI committee, MEP Simona Bonafè, published her report on water reuse on 25 September. The report, not yet public, is in Italian and should be translated into English for the first week of October. The debate in the ENVI committee is scheduled for the 18 October with a deadline for amendments on 25 October.
The rapporteur is generally of the same opinion as the AGRI committee, MEP Marijana Petir, who also published her report. You can find it
Sludge to farmland: EurEau supports the global initiative
EurEau signed a pledge to authorise the use of high quality and strictly controlled sewage sludge on farmland under the
CAP: Commissioner Hogan feels pressure on environmental credentials
On 6 September, EurEau met with members of Commissioner Hogan’s cabinet to discuss the ‘blueing’ of the Common Agricultural Policy. We deplore the lack of clear targets linked to conditionality. Hogan’s cabinet pointed at several tools to increase sustainability and warned that co-legislators might dilute environmental requirements for the sake of simplification.
It is unclear whether Parliament and Council can agree on a common position before the 2019 European elections.
AMR (EEA workshop, EP report, 15 November meeting)
On 2-3 October, Bertrand Vallet will represent EurEau at a workshop organised by the European Environmental Agency on the antimicrobial resistance and urban waste water treatment plants. He will be supported by Dines Thornberg, expert from our Danish member DANVA. It follows the European Parliament INI report adopted on 13 September on ‘
Chemicals and circular economy: Commission launches a public consultation
The Commission launched a public
EEA report: Europe’s water bodies in a poor state
In its new Signals report ‘
The report does not only look at chemical and ecological status but also at plastics in the aquatic environment and the impact of climate change.
8 October –
10-11 October - Final conference of the
7 November -
08-09 November – European Nutrient Vent @ECOMONDO 2018; Rimini, Italy. Katerina Christodoulou will present a European example of water reuse and nutrient recovery in the circular economy in Mediterranean countries.
14 November - Stakeholder workshop: Update on TOPPS water protection projects to reduce plant protection product losses to water; Brussels, Belgium. Register
19 November – ‘The drivers of development’; Turin, Italy. Organised by the Turin Water Utility SMAT. Carla Chiaretti from the secretariat will present.
22 November - Bertrand will present EurEau’s position on the Regulation on Water Reuse at ESAMUR in Murcia, Spain.
5-6 December 2018 - Making Europe a safer place: demonstrating the impact of EU-funded security research; Brussels, Belgium.
28-31 May 2019 -
You can keep up with all the EurEau news via our
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