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IWA Congress - EurEau and reuse, recover and recycle

Bringing together over 6.000 participants, this bi-annual congress is focussing this year on

  • Water Utility Management
  • Wastewater Management
  • Drinking Water and Potable Reuse
  • Urban Water Systems
  • Communities, Integrated Planning and Enabling Environment
  • Large Scale Water Management.

EurEau is co-hosting a ‘Reuse, recover, recycle – Accelerating Resource Recovery from Water’ tomorrow, 20 September.

President Bruno Tisserand will moderate a discussion on Successful case studies of resource recovery from water: drivers and KPIs.between Marjolein Weemaes (Aquafin), Jens Prisum (BIOFOS), Ulf Thysell (Svenskt Vatten), Gari Villa-Landa Sokolova (AEAS), and Chris Hertle, GHD.

The event will take place in room 610 from 10:30 to 15:00.


  pdf Flyer (515 KB)

  pdf Presentation (567 KB)

  pdf Agenda (371 KB)


Photo by Sora Sagano on Unsplash

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