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EurEau newsletter - edition 6 - August 2016

EurEau newsletter - edition 6 - August 2016

EurEau Congress 2016: Copenhagen
Our annual congress will take place in Copenhagen between 19-20 September.
We will host a session on ‘Resilience to climate change in the water sector’ as part of the COP22. This will take place on Tuesday afternoon, 20 September. Our recommendations will be circulated later in the year.
The final ECORYS study on the evaluation of the DWD was published at the end of July. You can read it here.  

Dental amalgam
The European Parliament’s ENVI Committee discussed the Mercury Regulation report by the Rapporteur, MEP Stefan Eck (GUE/DE) in July. The Rapporteur is in favour of a ban on dental amalgam. EurEau fully supports his views. The amendments proposed by ENVI MEPs are available here.  

The Report “Sustainability Now!” written by Karl Falkenberg, former Director General of DG ENV int eh European Commission and currently Senior Adviser for Sustainable Development to President Juncker, was published on 20 July. You can find the European Vision for Sustainabilityhere.  

Hendrik Jan IJnsinga represented EurEau at the last meeting of the Water Governance Initiative of the OECD. You can read his report here.

Endocrine disruptors
EurEau addressed comments on the definition of endocrine disruptive criteria proposed by the European Commission on 15 June (for the Plant Protection Product Regulation (PPPR) definition and for the Biocide Product Regulation(BPR) definition) through the better regulation approach. The legislative procedure will now go through the European Parliament and the European Council.

Communications and media
EurEau President Bruno Tisserand discussed the circular economy and water’s role in this in anarticle in Pan European Networks. Anders Finnson from Sweden wrote this blog piece on dental amalgam and we answered questions on ECD’s in this piece.

Other events
6 September: workshop on Pharmaceuticals in the Environment organised by Health Care Without Harm.
28 September: ‘Effective water management system: an approach to innovative solutions’ organised by the Commission for Environment, Climate Change and Energy (ENVE) of the Committee of the Regions.  
10-11 October: Envicon in Poznan, Poland.
6-9 June 2017: ASTEE in Liege, Belgium

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