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EurEau reaction to the European Commission’s proposal for a Regulation on minimum requirements for water reuse

EurEau welcomes the approach for the safe reuse of treated waste water to allow more options for irrigation in water-scarce regions

Brussels, 29 May 2018: Ensuring we have sustainable and economically viable resource use is crucial for our sector. The new regulation on minimum requirements for water reuse proposed by the European Commission will help achieve this.

“The new regulation will, for the first time, set European standards for using water for irrigation. By reusing water, we will reduce the pressure on water resources and ensure the safe irrigation of crops.” said Oliver Loebel, Secretary General of EurEau. “To make this possible, the proposal must guarantee the safety of the water used for irrigation while ensuring that treating water remains economically viable.”

The regulation proposes minimum requirements for the water coming from waste water treatment plants and intended for agricultural irrigation. It includes microbiological elements and monitoring requirements for routine and validation monitoring.

We are pleased that finally, we have safety standards to guarantee safe food production across Europe while enhancing circular economy principles.


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